The most wonderful time of the year. It could be because of the snow, lightly falling on a park in the city or the cups of cocoa heaped with what some may deem an excessive amount of marshmallows.
Maybe it’s the time spent fa-la-la-ing, present buying and being with those you love. All of these are valuable reasons for this holiday period being the most wonderful time of the year, but as we Poorboys look back on the past year, there have been some truly wonderful other moments that could give the holidays a run for their money.
Causing riot at Joss Whedon’s premiere of his Much Ado About Nothing with our Shakespeare Jukebox was the pure definition of what my Nanny would call ‘a hoot’. Hamlet and Juliet tearing up the bar in such brash and brazen ways made me grin from ear to ear. This experience is what Poorboy is all about. Less fear, more fun. Sandy did a superb job of letting some very gifted actors off their leash to pour out that unruly tonic that is is the words of the Bard. We loved it. Every gritty second.
23 brave souls freezing in the woodlands of Scotland bonded together, built a fire, and walked across it. That happened. Unblinkingly serious life experience junkies. We just love everything about this. Sound like something you’d like to do? Watch this space.
Although August in Edinburgh can be a playground of sleep deprived sugar buzzed artists (if there ever is a zombie apocalypse, I’m betting it starts at the Fringe) it was a magical month for those of us sat under the care of the Central Park trees just down the wee alley from the Royal Mile. New York came alive four times a day with the help of some very friendly tour guides and a lad named Cameron’s heartfelt story. Spotting Pirates and Mermaids up and down the city streets each day was a wonderful time indeed. Thanks to a nomination for Best Solo Performer from the Stage and a dedicated team of Poorboys, audiences may have the chance to see Cameron back in Central Park this Spring (that is when Central park happens to be in Scotland…)
I suppose one of the characteristics of the most wonderful time for us is when everything is on the line. When life is full because you are filling it with risk and abandonment. Running screaming from your comfort zone into the unknown abyss of life where danger, disappointment and despair lie waiting, but luckily for you you’ve come prepared dressed in full ninja gear brandishing an ancient sword cut out from the heart of the mountain of awesomeness. And you’re not alone. You have all of your ninja friends with you, unapologetically kicking comfy lazy predictable life in the arse and dancing with reckless abandon on its ruin. That’s a wonderful feeling. I will take that any day. And as a Poorboy I am very blessed to work with people who feel the same.
I challenge next year to have as many wonderful times as this one.
And so as I finish my cup of hot cocoa, do not be deceived. That is not a wooly jumper and scarf you see me in. It is full fledge ninja warrior gear. It just happens to be extremely comfortable.
Happy Holidays from us all!